After “Sleepless Nights | Lysergic Mornings” – which was made available just a little bit more than two months ago – Jean-Marc of taâlem was kind enough to release another effort of mine, this time created in collaboration with field-recordist Carlo Giordani.
As usual, per label’s policy this EP – entitled “Impressioni organizzate di ansie liquide” – is available as a digital download and as two different editions presented on the tiny and collectable 3″ MiniCDr format. One of the two variants comes in a pro-printed 2-panel mini-digipack and is strictly limited to 32 numbered copies, the other is housed in a regular plastic mini-jewelcase and is offered to the public in an unlimited edition.

In 2005 I had the chance to know Carlo Giordani‘s work through Paolo Ippoliti – of Logoplasm fame – who had hosted a large collection of his field-recordings on the S’agita Recordings website. At a time when the field-recordings craze was beginning to spread, I immediately realized that Carlo was a veteran in this… field! A grown man with a very peculiar listening talent and technical ability, as well as a special sensitivity.
After re-proposing some of his works on a digital compilation that celebrated the first ten years of Afe Records, Carlo and I remained in touch, often exchanging recordings and opinions, but without trying our hands in a ‘real’ collaboration.
In 2011 Massimo Indellicati of Ambiente H finally gave us the opportunity to work together, inviting us to provide music to accompany some of his experimental movies, whose main theme was “water”. That was the input which, over the years, again to satisfy Massimo’s need for a soundtrack to his many projects – including the installation “Aquology – Oceano interiore” – led to the creation of a series of pieces that Carlo and I decided to collect under the title “Impressioni organizzate di ansie liquide” (“Organized Impressions of Liquid Anxieties”).
This first part, entitled “Furia e abbandono (galleggiare, annaspare, arrendersi e lasciarsi trasportare)” – which translates into “Fury and Abandonment (floating, struggling, surrendering and being carried away)” – originally exceeded 30 minutes and has been completely revised on occasion of this publication to make it more ‘straight to the point’ and suitable for the 3″ MiniCDr format.
More information is available here. You can listen to the complete release and purchase it on the dedicated Bandcamp page.